Our country faces many challenges ahead for 2009. Never in my lifetime have I seen so many issues needing to be addressed. As a country, we have risen to such challenges in the past and I have confidence we will do so in the future. As a health care provider, I hope the challenge we face in such and important area will be met with creativity, industriousness and for the betterment of the people and not the special interests. For far too long, they have been allowed to drive the healthcare system benefiting mainly their bottom line. Change is apparently in the wind. What that will be no one knows at this time. We should all hope it is for the better.
As our population continues to gray, prevention rises to the top of the list. Our society must move from a disease treatment mentality to a disease prevention mentality-one where we focus on health, wellness, diet, exercise. Chiropractic health care has always lead the health system with a prevention mindset using nutrition, preventative visits, and periodic monitoring of health issues while encouraging good nutrition and diet and exercise. Although patients often drift away as they start to feel good, many of the progressive conditions we see do better with preventative or maintenance care. I encourage you to maintain your health so you are able to live long and healthy life free of many of the devastating aspects of aging. Most modern health problems are a result of our long term abusive treatment of our bodies. Heart disease, lung disease, arthritis, cancers-all have a connection to inflammation and poor health and dietary habits. Maintain good health by visiting our office more often.
Changing health habits can be a challenge. Here are some goals to consider.
- If you smoke, consider quitting or cutting down. There are many options and ways to do so.
- If you eat poorly, restrict calories or change your diet and exercise more.
- If you are out of shape or weak, exercise your lungs, muscles and bones.
- If you have arthritis, change your diet, exercise and use supplements that help.
- If you have heart disease, change your diet, exercise (if you can), lose weight.
- If you don’t feel well, make it a point to get checked out. Early detection no only cuts health costs but gives you a better chance of recovery.
Make this a year of personal change. Set goals. Work to achieve them. Social scientists, business managers, and governments all know it is difficult to achieve change. Change cannot happen if everyone fails to make an effort to do better. After taxes are done, I plan to start doing nutrition lectures again at the clinic on Wednesday evenings and Saturdays once a quarter.
Chiropractic, Alternative Healthcare & Nutrition News: - 4.5 servings of cruciferous vegetables/month (broccoli for example) can significantly reduce lung cancer risk.
- Fish Oils and Dementia: Patients with higher plasma levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fatty acid found in fish, had a significant 47% reduction in the risk of all-cause dementia and a 39% reduced risk of Alzheimer's, researchers reported.
- Diabetes: A study found slashing carbohydrates decreases diabetic medication use and reverses Type 2 Diabetes.
- FDA has new website on drugs: http://www.fda.gov/cder/
Medical News: - Liraglutide, a new drug in the same class as Byetta, cuts blood sugar and lowers weight in a year long study of people with early type 2 diabetes.
- Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS): a recent analysis of studies shows that anti-depressants help improve the control of pain and quality of life for those with FMS. However, different types of anti-depressants have varying effects. However, effect sizes on pain with different classes of antidepressants varied, with small effect sizes associated with use of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin- and noradrenalin-reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), medium effect sizes with use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and large effect sizes associated with tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants (TCAs).
- More Fibromyalgia News: The FDA approved milnacipran (Savella) for FMS.
- Offsetting Dementia: Exercising the brain can help slow down the normal mental decline of aging. A recent study by Bender outlines a very comprehensive approach for patients to keep their brains healthy and fit:
o Use your brain to learn new things and strive for some level of mastery
o Physical exercise
o Low fat diet- high in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids
o Socialization
o Manage Stress
o Avoid excess – tobacco, alcohol and calories
o Utilize your talents for self and others because using talents enhances our brain circuitry
o Avoid head injuries
o Meditation
o Maximize a spiritual life
Yours in health,
Dr. John Riggs, Alternative Chiropractic Solutions 570-8792