by John H. Riggs, D.C., Alternative Chiropractic Solutions, 432-570-8792
Link to old blogspot in case you want to review any of the old entries:
Andropause: The male equivalent of menopause. Recently Harvard Scientists endorsed testosterone replacement in a book Testosterone for Life. Low testosterone creates andropause. Testosterone peaks about age 20 and then starts a steady decline. The symptoms include:
- Loss of muscle mass and strength
- Accumulation of belly fat
- Low bone density
- Anemia
- Increased type II diabetes
- Gradual erosion of libido and sometimes ED
- May also be a risk for mental decline.
- Cancer concerns: testosterone therapy has been thought to to increase or cause new prostate cancer risks. There appears to be little scientific report. What do we know? Low levels of testosterone may increase prostate cancer risk; high levels and treatment with testosterone do not increase the risk of prostate cancer; more physicians are coming around to recognize T therapy. A 2008 article in the Journal of National Cancer Institute found no relationship between prostate cancer and any of the hormones studied.
Reducing the Risk of Prostate Cancer:
- A study in 2008 showed no reduction in cancer risk with vitamin E and selenium.
- Supplementing with alpha tocopherol only reduces gamma tocopherol which is protective.
- Vitamin D can reduce cancer risk by reversing genetic changes.
- Omega 3 (fish oil) supplements reduces risk whereas omega 6 increases risk.
[ 5-Loxin may reduce the inflammatory substances in diets with too high omega 6. - Many plant foods are protective (broccoli, cauliflower, flaxseed, soy).
- Low testosterone increases prostate risk according to a Harvard study.
Improving Vitality, Sexual Function, and Prostate Health in Aging Men.
- Botanicals: maca, muira, puama, chrysin, nettle, ginger, and Norway spruce ligands.
- They may work by improving free testosterone and blocking conversion to estrogen.
Preventing Macular Degeneration (new theory)-macular degeneration causes cholesterol-containing lesions in the retina and is the leading cause of vision loss after age 65.
- Studies show low DHEA in those with MD.
- A hormonal theory has been hypothesized suggesting low hormonal levels allow cholesterol to accumulate with the restoration of hormonal levels and nutrients supporting eye health may help stop or reverse MD.
Maintaining Muscle with age: Being able to stay active and healthy as we age requires healthy muscles. Muscle mass declines with age affecting our ability to stay active. How can we help offset muscle loss?
- Exercise such as weight lifting helps maintain muscle mass. Staying active also helps.
Nutritional supplements help benefit exercise.o Whey protein helps muscle building
o Creatine helps with strength and lean tissue mass
o Glutamine helps preserve lean tissue and boots growth hormone
o Together the above with exercise help build strong muscles.
Excess Fructose in the Diet: especially HFSC (high fructose corn syrup.)
- Why is it a problem? Increased use of the produce has accompanied increased obesity and metabolic syndrome (central obesity, diabetes). High triglycerides, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic), AGEs (advanced glycation end products. Fructose is linked with insulin resistant diabetes. It also elevates uric acid, gout and kidney stone risks.
- Where do you find it? Sweetened carbonated soft drinks, packaged foods (cakes, cookies, jams, jellies, crackers), fruit juices, honey, table sugar.
- Nutritional counter measures: benfotiamine, ALA, carnosine, pyridoxamine, acetyl-L-carnitine, vitamin C and fish oils.
- Strategies for decreasing excess fructose. Avoid sweetened soft drinks and bottled teas. Stick to water, herbal teas and home brewed teas (green). Cut table sugar increase. Use stevia sweeteners. Read you product labels and avoid high-fructose corn syrup. Eat Mediterranean type diet with grains, fresh veggies, and fish.
Optimizing Bone Strength:
- Risk factors: female, postmenopausal, older, white or Asian race, diabetic or metabolic syndrome, underweight, sedentary and smoker.
- What you can do? Collagen calcium chelate and dried plumb improves bone strength. Weight bearing exercise-weights. Reduce controllable risk factors: diabetes/metabolic syndrome, weight, become more active and quit smoking.
Biphosphate Drugs: widely prescribed but with potentially serious side effects such as bone decay of the jaw, irregular heart rhythm (stroke risk).
Miscellaneous Nutrition News:
- Black raspberries may reduce risk of cancer.
- Boswellia (5-Loxin) improves osteoarthritis symptoms (anti-inflammatory). I like the combination of glucosamine, boswellia and fish oils. Some supplements such as osteo-biflex come with boswellia and glucosamine.
- Green tea extract improves glucose control.
- Curcumin (tumeric) may improve cold sores.
- Losing sleep may encourage inflammation related diseases.
- Vitamin D may help prevent multiple sclerosis. Deficiency raises the risk of hip fractures.
- Flax seed extract reduces urinary symptoms in males
- Goji berry enhances energy and well-being.
- Quercetin may help protect agains the flu.
- Lower levels of EPA may increase risk of mortality in older people.
- Resveratrol found in red wine protects against atherosclerosis.
- Fish oils keep arteries supple.
- B3 nicotinamide helps offset memory loss.
- Vitamin E reduces inflammation.
- L-carnitine decreases LDL in diabetics.
- Selenium may slash bladder cancer risk in women.
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