Friday, November 12, 2010

FREE Women's Self Defense Seminar

FREE Women's Self Defense Seminar

Saturday 11/13/10: Self-Defense Seminar for Women

Sponsors: Aikido of Midland and The Karate Dojo

Location: Aikido of Midland, 2608 Loma Drive (office upstairs)

Time: 1-3 PM

COST: Free



November Schedule/Thanksgiving Schedule:

Closed:  Thanksgiving Day
Open:  Friday after Thanksgiving
Closed:  Saturday After Thanksgiving

Early Close Friday 11/19 at 5:00 PM
Closed Saturday 11/20.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Laser Update

I just upgraded my laser from a PL5000 to an Erchonia Base Station which allows me more flexibility and efficiency in treating the patients with laser therapy.  I find this an invaluable tool in not only treating neuromusculoskeletal problems faster but also for restoring muscle weakness and function.  I use many of the protocols developed by Dr. Jeff Spencer, Lance Armstrong's chiropractor for his Tour de France wins.  He used the laser extensively to prevent repetitive motion injuries and to treat injure professional athletes.  I recently attended Dr. Spencer's advanced laser seminar after completing his basic seminar in March.

  • Emits visible coherrent light that stimulates the body's ability to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) the mitochondria's energy chemical which allows natural healing in decreased time.
  • This process reduces pain and inflammation, improves flexibility, and optimizes the function of cellular physiology.
  • What is LASER:  Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.  It works on the physiological, neurological, and musculoskeletal components of the body on a cellular level.
  • The wavelength of the laser is the optimal wavelength for affecting the cell by penetrating 1-4 cm into the tissue with a globalization effect.
  • Does the laser hurt?  No it is a "cold" property with no know harmful effects to the human body.  It does not heat tissue or cut tissue like some surgical lasers.  It is a Therapeutic laser not a surgical laser.
    • Acute Injuries
    • Arthritis
    • Backache
    • Bruises
    • Bursitis
    • Carpal Tunnel
    • Concussion
    • Spasms (muscle)
    • Dizziness/Vertigo
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Gout
    • Headache
    • Meniere's
    • Migraines
    • Osgood-Schlatter's
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Pain
    • Scar Tissue
    • Sciatica
    • Strains/Sprains
    • TMJ
    • Trauma
    • Multitude of other conditions

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sad Day

With great sadness and affection, we had to put our beloved Pekingnese (Chelsey) down today.  She has been sick for some time and has not been able to eat for almost two weeks now.  What a very hard thing to do.  She has been with us 14 years and part of the family.   RIP old friend.  We love you. We will miss you terribly.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October Blog & News

OCTOBER BLOG / Clinic News
Office Schedule for October:
  • Vacation ScheduleClosed October 6 (Wednesday) though October 10th (Sunday) -we will be in the Smokies for a family reunion.  If you have an emergency, please go to the emergency room.  We will be back normal hours on Monday 10/11.  Sorry for any inconvenience.
  • Seminar:  I will be attending an advanced laser therapy seminar on the 16th and 17th.  I have to catch a plane early on Friday so I will close at 4 PM on 10/15 to make the plane.  Office will be closed Saturday 10/16-I will be in Denver.
Blog Addendum: 
This is a site that explains medicare that I ran across. Those of you wanting to know more about your benefits might want to check it out.

Office News:
  • Dr. Riggs' has had an article republished in the European Aikido Journal-German Edition entitled "Aikido-Knieverletzungen" August, 2010.  This is the third republishing of his articles.  Another one will be republished in December.  Dr. Rigg's 2 articles (one on knee injuries and the other of pressure points) will have been published in English in Black Belt Magazine and Aikido Today Magazine, as well as the English, French and now German versions of the European Aikido Journal.  He has published numerous articles (7) in professional journals, one in a refereed journal.  Combined he has been published in 10 different professional and martial arts journals nationally and internationally.
Nutrition/Health News:
  • September 23rd Affordable Health Care Changes:
  • Flu season is approaching.  If you have not had a flu shot, especially if you are older, it is advisable to get a flu shot and possibly a pneumonia shot.  Prevention is key.  Some chiropractic doctors don't believe in immunization.  I am not one. 
  • If you have a lot of allergies, make sure you are checking your air conditioning/heating filters regularly.  We are coming into cotton processing season so there will be a lot of allergens in the air.
  • From Futurity:  "Researchers have discovered the crystal structures of pumps that remove heavy metal toxins from bacteria, making them resistant to antibiotics."  This may allow them to desire less resistant drugs.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September Addendum-Schedule Change and More on Testosterone

The office will be open this Saturday (9/18/10) due to a change in my seminar schedule.  It will be closed next Saturday 9/25/10 and will be out of town.

More on Low Male Testosterone (source LEF):
  • Obesity causes men's testosterone to drop due to aromatase in adipose (fat) tissue converting testosterone to estrogen.
  • Falling testosterone levels predict and cause obesity and metabolic syndrome.  C-reactive Protein (CRP) increase is linked to declining testosterone (CRP indicates inflammation which plays a critical role in obesity, cancers and atherosclerosis).
  • Testosterone impacts metabolism of glucose, insulin and fat.
  • Decreasing testosterone may explain why men beyond middle age may have trouble shedding weight even with diet and exercise.
  • Experts now recommend checking testosterone levels regularly as an early risk indicator for metabolic syndrome.  All men should be checked in middle age even if not overweight.  Why don't doctors do labs for testosterone more often?  Men don't seem to have as many or as strong symptoms that are as strong as women needing hormone replacement. Men may also not be as likely to let the doctor know about all their symptoms or even seek medical advice when things like low libido, abdominal obesity or fatigue set in.  The changes are also gradual, 1-2% decline per year after age 30.  We likely play them off to aging.
  • Testosterone replacement therapy is effective in reducing body weight, fat content and insulin resistance.   Dr. Morgentaler of Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center contends that new evidence suggests that low testosterone is responsible for prostate cancer risk, not high testosterone.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Insurance Companies and Misinformation

The age of misinformation and the nice insurance companies are already at it:

Thursday, September 9, 2010
HHS Press Office

Sebelius calls on health insurers to stop misinformation and unjustified rate increases.  Affordable Care Act will help lower costs and crack down on unjustified rate increases

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrote America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the national association of health insurers, calling on their members to stop using scare tactics and misinformation to falsely blame premium increases for 2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act. Sebelius noted that the consumer protections and out-of-pocket savings provided for in the Affordable Care Act should result in a minimal impact on premiums for most Americans. Further, she reminded health plans that states have new resources under the Affordable Care Act to crack down on unjustified premium increases.

The text of Sebelius' letter is below.

Ms. Karen Ignagni
President and Chief Executive Officer
America's Health Insurance Plans
601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
South Building, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004

Dear Ms. Ignagni:

It has come to my attention that several health insurer carriers are sending letters to their enrollees falsely blaming premium increases for 2011 on the patient protections in the Affordable Care Act. I urge you to inform your members that there will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases.

The Affordable Care Act includes a number of provisions to provide Americans with access to health coverage that will be there when they need it. These provisions were fully supported by AHIP and its member companies. Many of the legislation' s key protections take effect for plan or policy years

beginning on or after September 23, 2010. All plans must comply with provisions such as no lifetime limits, no rescissions except in cases of fraud or intentional misrepresentation of material fact, and coverage of most adult children up to age 26. New plans must comply with additional provisions, such as coverage of preventive services with no cost sharing, access to OB / GYNs without referrals, restrictions on annual limits on coverage, a prohibition on pre-existing condition exclusions of children

(which applies to all group health plans), access to out-of-network emergency room services, and a strengthened appeals process. And health plans that cover early retirees could qualify for reinsurance to sustain that coverage for businesses, workers, and retirees alike.

According to our analysis and those of some industry and academic experts, any potential premium impact from the new consumer protections and increased quality provisions under the Affordable Care Act will be minimal. We estimate that that the effect will be no more than one to two percent. This is consistent with estimates from the Urban Institute (1 to 2 percent) and Mercer consultants (2.3 percent) as well as some insurers' estimates.  Pennsylvania' s Highmark, for example, estimates the effect of the

legislation on premiums from 1.14 to 2 percent. Moreover, the trends in health costs, independent of the legislation, have slowed. Employers' premiums for family coverage increased by only 3 percent in 2010 - a significant drop from previous years.

Any premium increases will be moderated by out-of-pocket savings resulting from the law. These savings include a reduction in the "hidden tax" on insured Americans that subsidizes care for the uninsured. By making sure insurance covers people who are most at risk, there will be less

uncompensated care, and, as a result, the amount of cost shifting to those who have coverage today will be reduced by up to $1 billion in 2013. By making sure that high-risk individuals have insurance and emphasizing health care that prevents illnesses from becoming serious, long-term health problems, the law will also reduce the cost of avoidable hospitalizations.  Prioritizing prevention without cost sharing could also result in significant savings: from lowering people's out-of-pocket spending to lowering costs due to conditions like obesity, and to increasing worker productivity - today, increased sickness and lack of coverage security reduce economic output by $260 billion per year.

Given the importance of the new protections and the facts about their impact on costs, I ask for your help in stopping misinformation and scare tactics about the Affordable Care Act. Moreover, I want AHIP's members to be put on notice: the Administration, in partnership with states, will not tolerate unjustified rate hikes in the name of consumer protections.  Already, my Department has provided 46 states with resources to strengthen the review and transparency of proposed premiums. Later this fall, we will issue a regulation that will require state or federal review of all potentially unreasonable rate increases filed by health insurers, with the justification for increases posted publicly for consumers and employers. We
will also keep track of insurers with a record of unjustified rate increases: those plans may be excluded from health insurance Exchanges in 2014. Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections.

Americans want affordable and reliable health insurance, and it is our job to make it happen. We worked hard to change the system to help consumers.  It is my hope we can work together to stop misinformation and misleading marketing from the start.


Kathleen Sebelius

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Blog Andropause

  • We will be CLOSED Monday September 6th for the Labor Day Holiday.  Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
  • OFFICE HOURS:  I will be out of the office on Saturday September 18th weekend conducting a seminar in San Angelo.
  • School is back in session so keep an eye out for the kiddies.  Their attention spasns sometimes distracts them from their safety.  Remember unless you have a couple hundred you like throwing away, cell phones in school zones will cost you.
  • Please note our office does back to school physicals for sports. 
Andropause (male menopause):  As we age, it is not uncommon for our sex hormones to decrease.  Men experience this as well as women although sometimes our symptoms don't seem to be a noticeable.  We don't get hot flashes and have the emotional issues associated with the changed hormones.  I decided recently to have mine checked recently since I've moved over the 6th decade line and was starting to experince some of the symptoms.  That and a patient's husband also was undergoing replacement with good results.  Lo and behold mine were not only low but off the bottom of the range for testosterone (total and free) and DHEA-S.  So what are the symptoms of the so-called male menopause or "andropause"?  Note:  The WHO does not recognize the term but rather "hypogonadism" is the more appropriate term.
  • "male climacteric" including loss of libido and potencyDiminished sexual desire and erectile quality. In particular, a decrease in nocturnal erections is a significant sign of decreased androgens 
  • Mood changes. This can also be associated with decreases in intellectual activity, fatigue, depression, anger and poor spatial orientation, nervousness, impaired memory, inability to concentrate
  • decrease in lean body mass, along with decreases in muscle mass and strength.
  • decrease in body hair. 
  • decrease in bone density resulting in osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can often lead to increased incidence of bone fractures and breaks.
  • increase in fat surrounding the internal organs
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • hot flushes
  • sweating 
  • Andropause has been observed in association with Alzheimer's disease
If you are having many of the above symptoms, your hormone levels may be low.  Lab tests can be ordered by your doctor.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August Blog

Chiropractic and Personal News
  • Website: for more information about the practice.
  • The Joint Commission recently recognized chiropractors as physicians (ACA News, August 2010).  This status has also apparently been extended to optometrists as well.  Such recognition, although being fought by certain medical organizations, has an impact on health care and how other players view chiropractic.  This as well as the phased in license parity of chiropractic doctors in the new health care legislation will make participation easier in future health care policies and programs.
  • Personal News:  Dr. Riggs has recently been named president of the board of directors of the newly formed Suginami Aikido Association and is the technical director for the organization.  He holds a 4th degree black belt and teaches seminars 1-2 times a year in Texas.  He recently taught a seminar in Victoria TX and prior to that San Antonio TX.  He is the senior student (rank wise) of Hiroshi Kato, 8th dan with a planned visit by him to Midland next spring. Dr. Riggs also teaches Aikido as adjunct faculty at Midland College and participates in the MISD PE credit program.  He has been a chief instructor (dojo cho) for 15 years teaching at schools in Memphis, TN, Austin, TX, Waco, TX and Midland.  Aikido of Midland is recognized by the World Headquarters Aikikai Foundation and Hombu dojo through Suginami Aikikai (Kato sensei's organization).  All black belt rank is certified in Japan.
Health News
  • Swimming may be one of the best exercises for lifelong health.
  • Short periods of exercise protect telomeres from stress (telomeres play a role in cellular aging).
  • Increased intake of B6 and B12 linked to less depression.
  • Omega 3s (fish oils):  may help delay age-related hearing loss.  It may also increase brain volume. 
Sports Injuries

School is soon to start and with it school sports.  Dr. Riggs performs sports physicals for students at a nominal cost.  He also serves as the chiropractor for athletes at Midland College and has treated baseball, softball, soccer and basketball athletes.  He has trained with Dr. Jeff Spencer on laser therapy as used with the Tour De France athletes and is planning advanced laser training in Denver in October.  Dr. Riggs offers the following services for athletes (whether weekend or team sports):
  • Examination and treatment of injuries to the neuromusculoskeletal system (neck, back, joints, shoulders, knees, etc.).
  • Treatment of repetitive stress and acute injuries (strains/sprains, tendinosis/tendinitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, golfer's elbow), repetitive stress injuries, biomechanical problems (pronation), trigger points, etc.
  • Laser therapy for injury prevention and treatment.
  • Physiotherapy modalities (electrical stim, interferential, ultrasound, etc.) for injury repair and treatment.
  • Kinesiotaping and Graston deep tissue instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization for injuries and scar tissue.
Laser Therapy

Dr. Riggs has been using low level laser therapy (3LT) or what is sometimes referred to as cold laser since April.  Clinically, he has successfully treated the following conditions:
  • Neck and back pain.
  • Sciatica
  • Nausea (2 years duration resolved in 2 treatments)
  • Headaches and TMJ problems
  • Ankle, knee and wrist pain
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Plantar fasciitis/heel spurs
  • Shoulder impingement syndrome/rotator cuff strains
  • Tendinitis (Knees/Hips)
  • Arthritis/Cartilage pain
  • Sprains/Strains
  • Sports Injuries
  • Muscle weakness

Thursday, July 22, 2010



I am in the process of putting up a new website.  Keep in mind it is current a work in progress.

New web address.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dr. Riggs July/August Blog

Nutrition News:
  • Chocolate:  for all you chocolate lovers the good news is it may reduce heart disease and hypertension.
  • Green tea may help the eyes combat oxidative stress (glaucoma and other eye diseases).
  • Vitamin C may also help protect against glaucoma, while a high fat diet increasese the risks of macular degeneration.  It also helps decrease blood vessel growth to tumors.
  • Omega 3 (fish oils):  DHA- a component of Omega 3s may help destroy neuroblastoma cells.  Omega 3s may decrease chronic disease risks.  Fish oils may also expand brain volume and stave off mental decline.
  • Selenium may decrease diabetes risk.
  • Vitamin D:  is a key nutrient for skin cell growth and replacement.  A recemt study also showed that higher levels of vitamin D was associated with improved physical performance.
  • Resveratrol (in grapes) may help chronic colitis sufferers.
  • Obesity:  has been linked to the availability of unhealthy foods.  The spice saffron may help curb appetite by increasing serotonin levels.
  • Male Menopause:  low testosterone can cause low sex drive, low energy and decreased enthusiasm for life.  Levels drop as we age and this decline may have an impact on men's overall function, performance and longevity.    Male Hormone Replacement Therapy may help stave off the effects of age-related decreases in testosterone.
Medical ID Cards:
Medical ID cards (e.g., 911 Medical ID Card, 911 Medical ID Medallion) is a preprogrammed USB that holds all your medical information and opens up in a Windows based program.  If you have an extensive health history background, this can save you time and energy and provide valuable information quickly for health care providers.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

June/July Blog

Monday, July 5th we will be closed for the 4th of July

Sorry for any inconvenience.  If you have an emergency, please call the office for a contact number for off hours.  I will be in the area.

Not much of a blog this month since I have been in the process of moving.

SAFETY on the 4th.
  • Alcohol and fireworks do not mix.
  • Children and fireworks do not mix.
  • Drugs and fireworks do not mix.
  • Drugs and alcohol also apply to operating motor vehicles, boats, and any other motorized apparatus.
Be careful not careless and you will have a safe and healthy holiday.

I'm still getting good results with the LASER.  I like this modality.  I've helped nausea which was non-responsive to medical treatment (resolved in 2 treatments after 2 years of it). It has also helped/resolved:  carpal tunnel, shoulder pain, knee pain, shingles, weak muscles, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, wrist pain and stiffness, headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, bruises (decreased), pulled muscles, and other conditions.

May you holiday be safe and relaxing.  We all need time to disconnect.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dr. Riggs' April/May Blog

Taxes are done so I'm back on.

(Laser Therapy/Ionic Detoxifying Foot Baths)

I'm excited about a new therapy modality I am now offering.  I trained recently with Dr. Jeff Spencer, the chiropractor responsible for keeping Lance Armstrong and his Tour de France team healthy during their multiple straight wins (7 for Lance, 8 for the team).  Dr. Spencer used the Erchonia LLLT or 3LT (cold laser) to treat Lance and other professional athletes such as Tiger Woods and many others.  I have purchased the same laser he uses and have been using it with very good results for almost a month.  Even though the equipment was quite expensive, I have made treatment very affordable as a cash service since insurance carriers and medicare do not cover it.  Currently, as far as I know, I am the only one in Midland using the laser.

There are many conditions that can be treated with 3LT (cold laser) and so far, I have treated the following conditions with the laser:
  • Muscle weakness found through muscle testing
  • Arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel and hand pain
  • Neck and Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • TMJ problems
  • Tendonitis/Bursitis
  • Knee Pain
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Foot Pain
  • Meniere's/tinnitus
  • Sciatica/radiculopathy
I have also added ionic detoxifying foot baths as a cash service.  Many of my patients were driving as far as Abilene to receive such services.  Treatment times (18-25 minutes) vary but we have tried to make this affordable as well, plus the time and gas savings of having to drive out of the area.  It helps pull out the toxins we build up from daily exposure. TREATMENT PRECAUTIONSCannot be used on patients with-pacemaker, organ transplant, arrhythmia, heart regulating medication, pregnant or lactating females, patients with open wounds.  Excess use can cause dehydration, fatigue, increased blood pressure, dizziness, headache , or upset stomach.  Diabetic and patients with low blood sugar should eat a meal prior to treatment.

Lowering Heart Attack Risk Naturally:  chronic inflammation in the body is a risk factor for many diseases including heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's and many others.  One indicator of inflammation in the body is C-Reactive Protein (CRP).  Studies have suggested that CRP may even be a greater risk factor than high cholesterol in evaluating heart attack and stroke risk.  Crestor, a statin drug, has been found effective in lower risk for those with moderate LDL levels and excess CRP.  However, Crestor has its issues including major cardiovascular events.

A multi-method approach to lower CRP
  • Vitamin C (1000 mg/day)
  • Decreased high-glycemic carbohydrates
  • Intake of cholesterol lowering foods (almonds, soy protein, fiber, plant sterols)  High fiber tends to lower the risk of elevated CRP
  • For men, balancing the free testosterone/estrogen levels (decreases inflammation and belly fat).
  • Dietary supplements suppressing inflammation:  curcumin, Irvingia, vitamin K, Luteolin, fish oil, borage oil (GLA), acetyl-L-carnitine, Vitamin C, theaflavins, soluble fiber, CoQ10, isoflavones.
  • Good dental health (periodontal disease increases CRP)
  • Decrease homocysteine levels
  • 17 Daggers of Arterial Disease:  low blood EPA/DHA (fish oils), Elevated CRP, Excess LDL, Excess Insulin, Low HDL (good cholesterol), High Glucose, Nitric Oxide Deficit. Excess Estrogen, Excess Triglycerides, Low Free Testosterone, Excess Fibrinogen, Excess Homocysteine, Hypertension, Low Vitamin K, Excess Cholesterol, Oxidized LDL (from Life Extension Foundation).

March Blog Update on Health

Office Note:  Note: I will be closed on Saturday March 6 and March 20 for seminars.

Heart Health (from WebMD):  Men and women experience different symptoms when having a heart attack.  Time is muscle, so early recognition.

Men Heart Attack (MI) Symptoms:  chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue are the most typical symptoms for men.

Women:   these heart attack warning signs for women should be considered carefully.
Major symptoms prior to MI             Major symptoms during the MI

•Unusual fatigue                                            •Shortness of breath
•Difficulty sleeping                                        •Weakness
•Shortness of breath                                      •Unusual fatigue
•Indigestion                                                   •Cold sweat
•Anxiety                                                        •Dizziness

Major symptoms prior to heart attack Major symptoms during the heart attack

•Unusual fatigue •Shortness of breath

•Difficulty sleeping •Weakness

•Shortness of breath •Unusual fatigue

•Indigestion •Cold sweat

•Anxiety •Dizziness

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Blog on Aging and Nutrition

Marty's surgery went well and she is recovering nicely.

Nutrition/Alternative Medicine News:
  • Mimicing caloric restriction which aids in longevity through nutrition.  5 substances showing the most promise to mimic caloric restriction include:  resveratrol, pterostilbene, quercetin, grape seed extract, black tea extract.  These substances help prevent cancer, enhance glucose control, control inflammation, , optimize fat and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Excess calorie intake bloats our bloodstream with glucose, insulin, cholesterol, fat, and other products that are pro-inflammatory and predispose us to cancer, stroke, heart attacks, inflammation, and senility as well as other age related problems (Life Extension Foundation).
  • Carbohydrate Overload-as we age we are more likely to suffer from impaired glucose tolerance-we can't effectively utilize the sugars we eat.  It makes us prone to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (central obesity is one element).    In our excessive carbohydrate American diet it may be necessary to inhibit enzymes (amylase, glucosidase, sucrase) to regain glycemic control.  Acarbose (low cost drug) controls glucosidase, a nutrient compound InSea controls amylase and glucosidase, and white kidney bean extract and irvingia controls amylase while l-arabinose controls sucrase.  To combat carbohydrate overload your fasting glucose should be below 86 mg/dL.
  • Excess glucose:  converts to fat, increases triglycerides and C-Reactive proteins, deceases HDL (healthy cholesterol), increases blood pressure, may damage kidneys, increases risk for certain cancers and injures the vascular system.
  • Restricting calories is the key to taking care of the above problems but what about hunger?  Pinolenic acid (pine cone extract) decreases appetite without stimulants.  It reduces the desire to eat and makes you satisfied earlier.
  • Other options to emulate caloric restriction:  orlistat, acarbose, optimized irvingia and black tea.  Obesity is responsible for 100K cancers annualy.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids boot the benefits of glucosamine.  I'm vindicated.  I have been recommending a supplement triad of glucosamine + boswellic acids + fish oils (Omega 3s) for years.  Boswellia because it has anti-inflammatory properties as does fish oils.  So my combination  enhances the effectives of one component.  I usually recommend Osteo-biflex since it has glucosamine and boswellia (5-Loxin) in it.
  • Vitamin D:  low levels are associated with heart disaes, stroke, premature death and heart failure.  Long-term doses of D are well tolerated over an 8 week period.
  • Cancer Prevention Nutrition:  green tea may protect against oral cancer; soy shows promise as a colon cancer prevention; resveratrol may serve as a chemopreventative reagent for breast cancer. Vitamin D may lower colorectal cancer.
  • Lungs may be protected by anti-oxidants during flu season.
  • CoQ10:  key to heart health.  I also recommend it to counter the muscle side-effects of statin drugs.  Ubiquinol for is key.  CoQ10 also help counteract the stress to muscles after exercise.
  • Green Tea Extract may reduce uterine fibroids.
  • Low carb diet lowers blood pressure.
Medical News:
  • FDA has approved milnacipran, a dual serotonin- and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor, for the management of fibromyalgia. Medscape Medical News
  • Toilet seat dermatitis (butt rash) may be making a comeback due to harsh chemical cleaners and exotic wooden seats.  It causes a rash in the buttocks and upper thighs.  To avoid:  use seat covers in public rest rooms, avoid harsh cleaners and go back to plastic seats.

Friday, January 8, 2010

January Blog and Health News

Scheduling StuffI will be closed Friday January 22nd and Saturday January 23rd.  Marty is having surgery.  (Friday will most likely be all day but we don't have the schedule yet.  February and March will bring some seminar activity but should only affect Saturday's.  I will keep you posted.

Happy New Year to everyone.  I do hope it was a safe holiday season.  Marty and I enjoyed a week of vacation visiting family in snowy Michigan (2 feet deep) and almost did not make it back due to lake effect snow (11 inches the night before we left).

  • The Mediterranean Diet is considered one of the more healthy diets for cardiovascular health.  However, most peiople do not get enough olive oil which has polyphenols which enhance its healthy effects.  The diet mainly consists of abundent plant foods, olive oil, fish, red wine and other substances rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Ginko biloba apparently has protective effects from radiation.  So if you plan on getting yourself nuked soon stock up on the ginko.
  • Higher vitamin D levels in older women seems to ensure longer survival.
  • Catechins in tea help promote fat loss in overweight individuals.
  • Lower vitamin D levels before menopause predict hypertension and predicts higher heart and stroke related deaths in blacks.
  • Researchers estimate that 40% of Americans are deficient in vitamin B12. 
  • Macromastia (large breasts) leads to numerous problems for women.  Complaints of neck and upper back pain, thoracic outlet syndrome, low back pain, headaches and muscle aches and pains are common.  Soft tissue deformity from bra straps undoubtedly damages the underlying fascia and muscles as well as the skin.  A recent study showed that reduction mammaplasty (breast reduction) decreased back compressive loads by 35% and improved dysfunction and pain related to travel.  Now, good luck on getting an insurance carrier to authorize it as medically necessary.
  • Headaches:  The International Headache Society (IHS) has classified headaches into two broad categories, primary and secondary. Primary headaches are headaches with no known organic cause and are classified into 4 groups 1) migraine 2) tension-type 3) cluster and 4) other primary headaches (1). The subject of this paper, episodic tension-type headache (ETTH), is one of three sub-categories of tension-type headache. The others being chronic tension-type headache and probable tension-type headache.  Treatment/Prevention:  stress/tension, menstruation, weather, TMJ problems, trigger points, and water deprivation have been implicated as well as, to a lesser extent, sleep deprivation, frequent traveling, consumption of alcohol, withdrawal from caffeine, smoking, hunger, glare, relaxation after stress, exhaustion and odors.  Treatment includes avoiding triggers as well as treating problems such as mechanical neck joint dysfunction, TMJ problems and trigger points.  These problems can be effectively treated with manipulative therapy and soft tissue therapy or physiotherapy.
  • Chiropractic care is being expanded to include more Veterans and military facilities.  DCs are highly qualified to take care of the many non-surgical soft tissue and joint problems resulting from carrying heavy field packs and the stresses and strains of combat.